Parenting an adopted child poses particular challenges and adoptive parenting can be even more complicated than biological parenting. It is extremely important for adoptive parents to have clear and open communication with their children, especially as they reach adolescence. Adopted teenagers will have added obstacles as they grow up. Therapy can help these areas of concern immensely.

What is Adoption Psychotherapy and Counselling?
Therapy can help both parents and children through the process of adoption. Adoption counsellors at Mind + Zest are well trained in the realm of adoption therapy. Objectives for adoption therapy can include:
- Learning how to express yourself without worrying about how friends or family will react
- Understanding how the adoptive process affects adopted children, adoptive parents and birth parents
- Learning how to communicate with family and friends about adoptive issues, like reunions
- Learning about domestic versus international adoption, as well as reproductive technologies, and helping you decide what option is right for you
- Getting guidance and support for complex topics like secrecy, genetic sexual attraction, special needs adoptions, adoption breakdown and family rejection
- Developing adoption sensitive parenting techniques to learn how to talk to your children about adoption

How does Adoption Therapy at Mind + Zest Work?
1. 15-minute intake Session
We begin with a 15-minute intake session with one of our dedicated intake specialists.
During these 15-minutes, we dig deep, and try to identify the issue you are looking to address. We then assess the best approach to tackle said issue. We also try to get a good sense of your personality. At MIND + ZEST, we want to match you with the therapist that would make the best possible fit based on what you need, and who you are. This consultation is also a great opportunity to address any concerns or questions you may have.
At the end of the session, our intake counsellor will set you up with a tailored ‘plan of action’ that includes the recommended adoption therapist best suited to help you, the recommended duration of your therapy, and a suggestion for any further testing or psychological service they feel would best fit your needs.
2. 50-minute Sessions
After the initial intake, clients will attend regular 50-minute sessions for the recommended duration of treatment. Here, we work with you through the treatment plan, and build towards the objectives set during your intake session. We can re-evaluate and tweak these goals as time goes on.
3.Finish and Reflect
After concluding the treatment plan, we take time to reflect. Here, you tell us what your experience was like. If you still find yourself struggling in certain areas of your life, we may suggest further therapy to keep you on track and further the work you’ve already completed. If you feel like you have achieved the goals you have set for yourself, your sessions with us will end there. We will likely provide readings to help maintain and further your progress, and you are welcome to book a check-in appointment any time you feel you may need one. We also love to hear how you’re doing, and what you’ve achieved since your treatment plan!

Readings on Adoption and Therapy
Blau, Eric. STORIES OF ADOPTION: Loss And Reunion New Sage Press,1993.
Lifton, Betty Jean. LOST & FOUND: The Adoption Experience. Perennial Library,1988 (first ed.1979).
Wadia-Ella, Susan, editor. THE ADOPTION READER: Birth Mothers, Adoptive Mothers & Adopted Daughters Tell Their Stories. Seal Press,1995.
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